Elite Energetic

with Deb D

Is your work on the outside in alignment with what’s happening on the inside? 

Your amazing work in this world requires boundless energy.


You are elite and deserve the energy that supports all that you do.

You are a (wonder) woman who identifies as:

  • A CREATOR who is doing powerful things and has a vision to achieve even more. 
  • A TRAILBLAZER, thought leader, change maker, or revolution activator.
  • A LOVER of what you do. You know it makes a difference or amplifies positive change.

You also feel…

  • Tired deep in the bones and soul of you and do not feel like you can stop, or say out loud what is happening on the inside. You choose to carry on. 
  • Committed to what you have created, and often your commitment to you and your wellbeing comes last. You know that has to change, and it doesn’t.
  • There is another way to continue the great work and life you have manifested AND feel good. You simply haven’t found that way. YET!

What’s Possible with Energetic Alignment 

  • Rediscover Your Inner Radiance: Experience a profound shift as we realign your energy, allowing you to rediscover the joy and vitality that reside within you.
  • Release Limiting Patterns: Break free from old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you, creating space for new, empowering energies to flow.
  • Fuel Your Purpose: Tap into a wellspring of energy and inspiration, empowering you to fuel your purpose and make a meaningful impact in your life and the lives of others.
  • Align with Abundance: Harmonize your energy with the frequency of abundance, attracting opportunities, resources, and relationships that support your growth and success.
  • Feel Good, Do Good: As you return to a state of feeling good from the inside out, you’ll find yourself naturally drawn to activities and pursuits that uplift and inspire you, amplifying the positive impact you’re making in the world.

How Alignment is Achieved

  • Holistic Approach: As an energy guide my approach addresses your mind, body, heart, and spirit, ensuring that your transformation is comprehensive and sustainable. My work is defined as Practical Magic, the mix of the woo + the how-to.
  • Energetic Clearing and Activation: Experience powerful energetic clearing and activation techniques to release blockages and align your energy with your highest potential.
  • Practical Tools for Daily Living: Receive practical tools and strategies to integrate your newfound alignment into your daily life, fostering sustainable energy on all levels.
  • Join a supportive community of like-hearted women on similar transformational journeys, providing encouragement, accountability, and inspiration every step of the way in the Big Life Magic virtual community. Also receive (in the future) access to the Elite Networking events and retreats (New York City USA and Tobago, W.I.)

Ready to reclaim your radiance, release limiting patterns, and align with your true essence and purpose?



Why Elite, Why this Offer, and Why with Me?

I seek to be an active part of the change our world needs and believe in the transformation we will collectively create as women.

We know it. The future is FEMALE, women are rising, and despite some pushback, the verdict is in. When women lead the world gets better. COVID showed us this with the countries that were innovative, supportive, and brave. Women-led them. The research shows that women solve problems in ways that support all and not just a few. Women are the thinkers and activators we need now.

The work I have been doing, especially since COVID, with women in high positions, or stepping into their magic, has shown me that they are tired and fabulous simultaneously. They are doing it, making the magic happen, and I sometimes see the slip in self-care and the truth emerge of the incongruence of the inside and the outside. Their outside world is sparklier and more successful than their inside world feels. I often slip into my natural role of energy guide and we TUNE UP before a session can begin. Over time the vision came into focus. My unique skill set as an elite energy guide can be a working cog in the wheel of women rising and ultimately changing the world.

I invite you to bring your magic and I will bring mine and our elite energy will do just that, RISE, for us and in turn, the collective.

{Read more about me and my experience here}





An Invitation Women Ready for the Next Level


Begin with the Energy Foundation Program


3 months of alignment support 

6 x 60 minute one-to-one energy alignment sessions 

Access to the 7 Day Energy Synergy private podcast

Voxer or Whatsapp support between sessions





Elite  Gill

“Elite Energetic Alignment was the missing piece for me.”

Elite Energetic Alignment has been developed with GILL MOAKES as the first woman to choose herself in 2024 and place her focus on her well-being as much as she does on her outrageously successful business.