Big Life Magic Stories

Big Life Magic Stories


The Magic Key

WE ARE ALL BORN WITH A MAGIC KEY. The year I was two was the year I spent a lot of time in the emergency room. The diagnosis, accident prone. My mother tells me I would jump from trees, run into whatever was in my way, and was in a …

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Making Space for Magic

The Room in my apartment felt smaller in the early days of the pandemic. I was thankful for the large windows as I needed the light. My desk was set nice and snug next to one of the windows in my bedroom. As some of us had to, if we …

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Broken Pieces and Possibilities

There is a spot I walk to most mornings. Down the hill on the beach road, around the bend, across the grass and to the sea. My spot has a stone bench that overlooks the sea and is shaded by two large trees. Around me are the lizards and birds …

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Do You believe in MAGIC?

When we are young we believe in Magic. We see the potential and the possibilities, we are curious and we dare to dream. When I was young I was attuned to my Magic. To me, it was natural to see, to know, to believe. To others, this was feared. In …

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Making my way to Big Life Magic

It was the third day I had left the house, crossed the grass and made my way to the water. I pushed play on the music and it began to sing in my ears. “God made people like me, to love people like you.” I was pissed at God and …

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Spirituality in the City

I needed to jump off the cliff to see if I could still fly. My story of crash landing into New York City with a fresh layer of grief and the scary edge of reality of the beginning again. After the crash there is the recovery. How did I get …

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To Die by Magic

The deep desire to magically leave the earth led me into fantasy. Piece by piece the pictures, senses, and story grew. First came the lights, two of them, blurred together in brightness. Then the sounds. Heavy metal, rubber, and brakes shrieking over concrete. The image of me in its path …

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Lessons From A 6-Year-Old Fairy Believer

The morning of my last full day in Buccoo, on the island of Tobago, I anxiously and excitedly scanned the village for possibilities. My mind’s eye swept over the beach, mangroves, fishing jetty, the sea and the wide sky. I knew that if I gently ventured into magic I would …

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