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Welcome to the Big Life Magic Community


Now that we are connected…I am curious about you.


Do you consider yourself a successful manifestor?


As a spiritual teacher and magic weaver I play in the manifesting realm a lot. Manifestation is often high on the list for people. We all have dreams! In the seeking of dreams and the dabbling into manifestation, I am most often asked one question, WHY IS IT NOT WORKING FOR ME?

Positive thoughts, affirmations, vision boards, have you tried it all?

The main tagline of manifestation is …what you think, you create.
And it is true.

But, that is NOT the first step.

Your Mind plays a part…AFTER your HEART.

If you shift your focus down about 6 inches, you are now where it all begins.

It’s all about the heart, which is why the core of my work is Heart Magic & Repair.

And now I hear you say…Wait, What? There’s a different way?! Ok, so how do I do that?

Why the Heart is the first step and How to turn on your heart-led manifestation magic is EXACTLY what I teach in the Manifesting Ladder Magic Video and Guidebook.

JOIN ME 6 inches below, where the Magic begins!

The Manifesting Ladder Magic Video and Guidebook




Exclusive to members of the Big Life Magic Community (that’s you!)

Join ME in the magic circle (VIDEO LESSON) where I will be sharing ALL you need to know.
Follow along with your own copy of the Manifesting Ladder GuideBook (your new MAGIC TOOL)

While Climbing the Manifestating Ladder you will learn:

  • Why the HEART is the Leader.
  • The connection between your Heart and your Head (yes, your thoughts are still a vital part!).
  • Step by Step guidance on how to climb the Ladder.

The Difference this Magic Technique will make:

  • You will feel that your desired dream is POSSIBLE as you do not need to take a grand leap, you will take it step by step up the Ladder.
  • The Ladder will support you DAILY with an accessible way to check in with your manifestation progress, no longer will you be left wondering…is this working?
  • You will feel your confidence grow with each rung of the Ladder and in turn, your confidence will attract even more than you seek, you will begin to magnetize not only what you want, but also what you NEED!

What you want is at the top and I will help you get there.



About Debra

What I have manifested with heart-led manifestation and climbing the Ladder…

  • My husband. I stood at the bottom of the ladder on New Years Eve looking up at 2018, the year to come. I knew I wanted to meet my someone special, and so I accepted where I was, at the bottom with a string of not-for-me love affairs. Acceptance led me to the first rung of the ladder and I began my climb. I had no idea how long the climb would take but I felt assured my forever person was at the top. I met my husband in an unexpected moment in late April that year.
  • A move from the city to the sea. It was not in a leap, it was in steps, I shifted my life from strutting the streets of Brooklyn and Manhattan to living by the sea in the Caribbean.
  • The Big Life Magic Community. My head was telling me to GO that WAY and my heart whispered, take a nap. In late 2021 I felt that my business was ready for the next stage of evolution, so I began crafting and strategizing, and very quickly I became overwhelmed. So, I stopped and listened to my heart. I relaxed and listened. The Ladder came into sight and I followed my desire up rung by rung and by February 2022 I opened the doors to the Big Life Magic Makers, a membership into a magic home that has bought me immense joy, created connections for me and the members, and is still growing!