Big Life Magic Stories

Big Life Magic Stories


What if No one Dies?

I am sitting opposite Karen, a woman I know. She has been coming to see me for healing for some time and we have been working on building her strength to say yes to her dreams. Today as she sits opposite me I can tell that something has shifted, and …

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What if your heart is broken?

My heart is broken. Again. I can feel the tear of fresh loss and the stretching of the stitches from a loss healed long ago. My heart is broken, and I know exactly what to do. What I know is that my heart was designed to break. Being broken is …

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Letting Go and Being Caught

In July 2018 I wrote this piece …and I let go as much as I could then. In December 2022 I share this piece again …and I let go again. Healing is a spiral of energy with layers of release… A Series of Surrenders. (yep, that is why my memoir …

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First Love. The Call. First Death

It is 1994, I am 20 years old and know little about life, but believe I know so much more (as most 20-year-olds do). I know even less about death. I am in love with a man with a deep desire to die. My 20-year-old wisdom believes I can “save” …

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An Interrupted Blessing…Relax Please

Tobago, November 16th, 2022. Waning Moon, a week after a Full Lunar Eclipse. Beyond the interruptions of 2020 and all that came with the year that changed everything, I prepare to relaunch my book. As is the world, my book is now in a new version, the audiobook is recorded, …

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Are We There Yet?

Remember that, when you were strapped into the back seat, wedged between sisters (well, that was my reality), and the car ride to wherever you were going felt like it was taking forever. Each minute added to the discomfort and the tension built from the inside out. You forgot where …

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Grief has a Soulmate

Grief sat on the edge of the world and pondered her position. She dwelled on the feelings and experiences of those she held in her wings and she allowed space for those who sat with her but had turned their backs. To her it did not matter how close they …

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The Threads of The Web

On Sunday it was day four of Covid quarantine and I was officially bored. I baked cookies, and I don’t bake, it is that desperate. I am used to working, I like working. I want to keep creating and connecting. There is one creation that I have been avoiding, happy …

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The Downfall of the Soul

It is our expectations that are the downfall.   We expect another to change simply because we need them to. We expect abundance when we harbor feelings of scarcity. We expect success when we are trying hard at getting it.   Our soul does not want to expect, it wants …

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At War with Angels

As I reflect on the past weeks, at war landing in our hearts and on our screens, in our stories and in peoples lives and homes, I am reminded of a war I started. A War with Angels. The story below is an excerpt from my book, A Series of …

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